Growing green
The Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation supports a more sustainable future for society by harnessing algae technology to produce renewable energy, food, and other products.
The Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation (AzCATI) harnesses algae technology to produce renewable energy, food, feed and other valuable products, while performing environmental services to support a more sustainable future for society.
Our core competencies are organized into three main platforms: Research, Education and Training, and Services. These platforms enable AzCATI team members to focus on their strengths and maximize our ability to interact effectively with existing and potential collaborators, and respond effectively to new funding calls from federal, state and industry sources. Strong and competent staff resources under Operations helps to streamline internal processes, raise awareness through communications and respond quickly to internal and external research collaboration, technology and market sector needs.

Product focus
We harness algae technology to produce renewable energy, food, and other products like those listed below.

Biofuel Production
Algae can play a big role in tackling Americaโs energy challenges and can potentially serve as a great home-grown source of renewable, sustainable fuel for our nationโs transportation fleet.

Crop Protection
Identifying the basic pathogenic microorganisms and identifying strategies and molecules that allow for crop protection in algal production

Waste Water
Microalgal cultures offer an alternative for waste water treatment because they provide a tertiary biotreatment coupled with the production of potentially valuable biomass.

Algae is emerging as one of the most promising source of sustainable crops with potential health benefits including protein, Omega 3 and anti oxidants.

Our mission
Serve as an intellectual and physical hub to foster local, state, national, and international research and education on algae-based solutions for a sustainable environment
Enable development of innovative and sustainable technologies for production of microalgae feedstocks for biofuels and bioproducts
Facilitate collaborations among universities, national laboratories, and industry to accelerate technology development and commercialization
Provide innovative learning and educational environments and opportunities for training next generation scientists and engineers for the biotechnology workforce
Serve as a national testbed to accelerate the advancement of algae technology development and commercialization